Following successful careers with other well known companies in the amenity industry, Mike Crabtree, Sharon Law and Andy Law formed Whitemoss in January 1998.
From the outset the ethos of Whitemoss has been to deliver complete customer satisfaction. The company now produces a comprehensive range of specific Top Dressings, Root Zones and Tees / Divot Mixes but what clearly sets it apart is the willingness and ability – through a very close working relationship with their main supplier – to “customise” any product in range to meet customer specific needs. (Thankfully, most of their 600 plus regular customers are happy with standard products!)
Following feedback from many customers over the last few years, Whitemoss developed a sand which is an ideal replacement for natural links sands – and this product is now widely specified by Links courses for bunker use.
In addition to to the development of the sand, Whitemoss also supply BunkerMat. A 3-dimensional sand retention and drainage matting, BunkerMat® traps the sand within the open structure of the fibres, enabling sand to be held on steeper bunker slopes, whilst still allowing internal water movement.
Whitemoss was the first major supplier of bulk materials to introduce Green Compost across its entire range to replace non-sustainable organic amendments. This has been a huge success for the company and, since its introduction in 1999, Green Compost has been adopted by the vast majority of customers. Today, there are only about 10 customers who still prefer to specify soil or peat rather than Whitemoss’ pas100/2005 certified Green Compost.
Over the past 5 years Whitemoss has continued to dedicate funds, time and energy in the search for more sustainable materials for use on Golf, Soccer, Rugby, Bowling and other Green areas to contribute to making the industry as a whole more “Eco”friendly – hence the extension of the company name to WhitemossEco.
The company motto “ Greener by Design” is a way of doing business – not simply a sales pitch. Maybe it should be Greener by Desire!
“Sustainability in Sport” is not just an ambition at Whitemoss – it is now an achievement!