ECO Paths

ECO Paths

ECO TurfGuard

ECO Turfguard

A polymeric grass protection mesh that offers protection to the crown of the grass and is suitable for light traffic such as pedestrians and golf trolleys. ECO Turfguard is supplied on the roll and is easy to install with fixing by steel U pins.

ECO GrassTrak

ECO GrassTrak

A grass protection mesh that offers a higher degree of protection than Turfguard. Also supplied on the roll it is easy to install and is fixed using steel U pins. Use of the Premium grade will provide protection against surface ‘rutting’.

ECO BuggyTrak

ECO BuggyTrak

Heavy duty, interlocking polymeric paver system, suitable for constructing buggy or maintenance tracks around golf courses and sports fields. Can also be used to create additional/overspill parking areas. Cellular pavers can be grass or gravel infilled.

Get In Touch

01260 299920

Office Address: Whitemoss Eco Supplies Ltd303 Holmes Chapel Road, Somerford, Cheshire, CW12 4SP